Reset. Resolve. Restart: The Mantra to Effective Leadership

Riti V. Srivastava
5 min readOct 3, 2023


Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash

In the fast-paced world of startups, leadership can often feel like a relentless sprint. Founders and senior management are constantly juggling a myriad of responsibilities, from managing teams and driving innovation to dealing with investors and navigating the ever-evolving market landscape. In this whirlwind of activity, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters for sustainable success. That’s where the mantra of ‘Reset, Resolve, Restart’ comes into play.

Reset: A Closer Look

Let’s begin with the first key element, ‘Reset.’ At its core, resetting in the context of leadership means taking a step back to re-evaluate and rejuvenate your approach. It’s about asking yourself the tough questions: Are my current strategies effective? Am I leading my team in the right direction? What can I do differently to achieve better results?

The logic behind resetting is simple yet powerful. Imagine a GPS that has gone off track; the first step to reaching your destination is resetting it to the correct coordinates. Likewise, as a startup founder or leader, resetting your leadership approach can put you back on the path to success.

Reflective Questions for Startup Founders

1. What are my core leadership principles? Take a moment to identify the values and principles that drive your leadership style. How has it served me so far and is it serving me now?

2. Am I effectively communicating my vision? Is the action of my team and myself aligned with the vision that has been set up for the company? Reflect on your ability to communicate your startup’s vision to your team and stakeholders.

3. Am I empowering my team? Think about what kinds of decisions and questions your team is asking you. Evaluate how well you empower your team members to make decisions and take ownership of their work.

4. Do I seek continuous learning? How am I spending my day or week? Ask yourself whether you actively seek opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Was it all about working on adhoc or transactional issues or were there elements of thinking and reflecting.

By posing these questions and engaging in introspection, you can initiate the crucial process of resetting your leadership approach, ensuring it aligns with your goals and values.

Resolve: The Next Step

Successful leaders understand that challenges are an integral part of the entrepreneurial journey. They view them not as roadblocks but as opportunities to learn, grow, and innovate. By resolving challenges effectively, you demonstrate your leadership prowess and the ability to steer your startup through turbulent waters.

The Role of One-on-One Coaching

One powerful way to enhance your resolution capabilities is through one-on-one coaching. Coaching provides a personalized and guided approach to problem-solving and decision-making. Coaches with experience in coaching startup leaders can offer valuable insights and strategies tailored to your unique situation.

Think of it as having a seasoned navigator by your side as you navigate uncharted waters. They can help you anticipate challenges, develop strategies for resolution, and guide you toward smoother sailing.

Restart: A Fresh Beginning

The final key element, ‘Restart,’ signifies a fresh beginning. It’s about putting your newfound knowledge and strategies into action with renewed energy and determination. Restarting doesn’t mean erasing the past; it means moving forward with a clearer sense of purpose and direction.

Many successful leaders have stories of significant setbacks that led to their own ‘restart’ moments. These moments can be the turning points that lead to remarkable achievements. It’s essential to embrace these moments as opportunities rather than failures.
Restart — we should also talk about how having an accountability partner helps when we want to let go of our old habits and want to learn new ones. Someone who can show the way, be there to hold things when you fall, and push you when you meet the internal resistance.

The Benefits of Leadership Coaching

As we journey through the ‘Reset. Resolve. Restart.’ process, you might wonder: Why should I consider leadership coaching? The answer lies in the remarkable benefits it can offer to startup founders and leaders.

Leadership coaching provides you with:

· Personalized Guidance: A coach tailors their guidance to your specific needs and challenges.
· Accountability: Coaches help you stay on track and ensure you follow through on your resolutions.
· Accelerated Growth: With a coach, you can expedite your personal and professional development.
· Improved Decision-Making: Coaching equips you with the tools to make better-informed decisions.
· Confidence: As you work through challenges and achieve goals, your confidence as a leader grows.

By now, you might be contemplating whether it’s time to embark on your own ‘Reset. Resolve. Restart.’ journey. But before you decide, here are a few questions every leader must ask themselves:

Questions Every Leader Must Ask

As you ponder these questions, remember that successful leaders are not afraid to seek guidance, reset their course when needed, and restart with renewed vigor. ‘Reset. Resolve. Restart.’ is not just a catchphrase; it’s a blueprint for effective leadership in the world of startups.

1. Am I Willing to Embrace Change? Are my old habits giving me the same result that they gave me before? Do I need to change something?

Change is the driving force behind resetting and restarting. Are you open to change, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone?

2. Do I Value Personal Growth? Am I happy and in a state of flow while I am working with my startup or do I feel stuck, lost, and questioning myself?

Leadership coaching is not just about business growth; it’s about personal growth too. Are you committed to continuous learning and self-improvement?

3. Can I Benefit from a One-on-One Coach? What am I missing that I need to fill myself with? How do I find out or who can help me find out?

Reflect on whether you believe that having a one-on-one coach can accelerate your leadership journey.

4. Am I Ready to Restart? Am I too contended in the present state or do I need to relook and restart something to feel whole/complete again?

Are you prepared to embark on a fresh beginning armed with insights, resolutions, and the support of a coach?

So, are you ready to embrace the journey of resetting, resolving, and restarting your leadership path? The choice is yours, and the benefits are waiting to be unlocked.

Authored by: Riti V. Srivastava



Riti V. Srivastava

I’m a Master NLP Practitioner and Coach for start-ups. This is my attempt to share my acquired wisdom on life, relationships, work and balance, with others.